
Effective marketing requires optimal leveraging of an ever-growing menu of public and private data, applying state-of-the-art statistical techniques to data on sales, competition, consumer behavior, cost per conversion, and return on marketing spend. Application of advanced statistical techniques also supports determination of optimal channel spend in multi-mix and multi-touch models and also enables data-driven assessment of business development opportunities, market expansion, and new product and service markets.


Deep knowledge of the market is critical to successful sales growth and market penetration. Key components of market information include knowledge syntheses on market size and structure, key subpopulations, consumer habits, social sentiment, and key market trends. Market access can also be dependent on the regulatory landscape and competitive dynamics.

Strategic Consulting

Strategy is the intersection of data analytics, research, and experience. We have the experience to understand and interpret the nuances of market information and key performance indicators in the context of client objectives. Impactful strategic advising calls for the ability to effectively present data and information and guide discussions of optimal allocation of resources across channels associated with the best value. We bring decades of marketing experience across multiple sectors, including healthcare, travel and tourism, hospitality, financial services, education, health and fitness, and telecommunications.
